
                                         Loves cute things 

<Edition > (Media Installation, 2023)

▶ "Editon" is an immersive exploration of AI-generated art that exposes the undercurrents of stereotypes within technology. This interactive installation takes viewers through an iterative process: from text to image and back, shedding light on the inadvertent biases AI can amplify.

The project begins with raw textual prompts, showcasing the artist's descriptions that sparked the AI's creativity. As visitors envision the potential visuals, they're led to AI-generated images – a fusion of language and imagery. Yet, the true revelation comes when the AI is tasked again, using its own images to re-imagine the original descriptions. This cycle uncovers the complexities of bias woven into AI's learning. Through subtle alterations, visitors witness how stereotypes embedded in the AI's training data resurface, magnifying potential harm. "Editon" prompts discussions about ethical AI development, inviting viewers to reflect on their role in shaping technology's impact on society.

▶presented at Hack the Promise 2023

Co-Artist : Qingyi Ren

<Sena, > (Game, 2022)

▶ <Sena, > is a text-based game talking about the life of a Korean Christian queer woman. Players get to know about her and her life by organizing her old diaries saved on the computer, and think about the relationship between the Korean church community and the Korean LBGTQ+ community, as well as what living as a Christian queer would be like in Korea.

▶presented at London Games Festival 2023, Amaze Festival 2023

Play Video : (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN6zeSyGfgk&t=6s)

After a talk with the pastor, she decided to send me to a conversion camp
to cure my homosexuality. It’s funny”.

If it was something that could be cured with a camp,
why are they so afraid of it?

I cannot be cured.

I’m a fake no matter where I go.

A Fake Christian, a fake queer.

<Non-Existence of Existence>
(Projection Mapping Installation, 2019)

<Non-Existence of Existence>  deals with the issue of homophobia within the Korean Protestant community through looking into the queer chirstians’ position in the church and the society.  Also it looks at their existence, which cannot be completely belonged to or escaped from the fence of the church.

<No-Normal in Wonderland>(Game, 2021)

The normal standards of a society created by the majority make it difficult for an individual to make independent choices. People unconsciously make decisions within the framework established and enforced by the majority and perceive things outside this framework as abnormal. No-normal in Wonderland is about maintaining this “normality” that society upholds and expressing an “individual identity” while being observed by others. Players face different situations at each level and make choices in accordance with the rules, and continue to play facing the results of their choices.
This game is exhibited at Garden Seoul, Ars Electronica Festival 2021.

Project Link : (http://karts.worldwidelab.kr/no-normal-in-wonderland/)