Loves cute things 

<Sena, > (Game, 2022)

▶ <Sena, > is a text-based game talking about the life of a Korean Christian queer woman. Players get to know about her and her life by organizing her old diaries saved on the computer, and think about the relationship between the Korean church community and the Korean LBGTQ+ community, as well as what living as a Christian queer would be like in Korea.

▶presented at London Games Festival 2023, Amaze Festival 2023

Play Video : (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN6zeSyGfgk&t=6s)

After a talk with the pastor, she decided to send me to a conversion camp
to cure my homosexuality. It’s funny”.

If it was something that could be cured with a camp,
why are they so afraid of it?

I cannot be cured.

I’m a fake no matter where I go.

A Fake Christian, a fake queer.