Loves cute things 



Is talking about the quesiton, ‘Why are some words desicribed in one word
while others are not?’ through ‘paper’, ‘folded paper’, ‘crumbled paper’,
and ‘paper unfolded after being crumbled’ and attept to give them their own
visual signifier through filming them in a special context.

<It is? or Nothing>Is a work that examines the meaning category of 'love' based on personal experience.
Although it is not love, emotions that are inevitably called love because they are located
around the spectrum of "love," and countless emotions that have never been defined
and have no name. Was what I experienced at that time love, or something else,
or nothing?

<The things that don’t own words>Things that don't have their own name are floating somewhere in our lives, and they are
sometimes found, and some of them still remain wandering outside the language.
is a kind of memorial to these beings.